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Forbidden!You’ll be Fined for Doing This while Crossing! 北京西红门宜家

女人资料网  发表于:2019-10-09 19:10:05
Forbidden!You’ll be Fined for Doing This while Crossing! 北京西红门宜家,Forbidden!You’ll be Fined for Doing This while Crossing!,这里有Forbidden!You’ll be Fined for Doing This while Crossing!的图片,Forbidden!You’ll be Fined for Doing This while Crossing!这里的图片均是网友采集,与本站无关。

Zhejiang just approved rules to further clarify and refine civilized behavior. pedestrians will bebannedfrom looking at their cellphones in crosswalks and the fines will be 5 to 50 yuan.


Early this year, Jiaxing of Zhejiang province has issued Regulations onthe promotion of Civilized Behaviors in Jiaxing City (Draft). For phubbers who always looking at their hand-held devices,crossing the road when looking at cellphones is forbidden.

The Zhejiang provincial people’s Congress Standing Committee recently approved the regulations, making itillegalfor pedestrians to cross a street or highway while viewing their electronic devices or playing with others.

Violators shall bewarnedorfinedbetween 5 yuan to 50 yuan.

Besides, it is forbidden to throw garbage and other wastes out of vehicles, to park motor vehicles in the direction of public parking signs or across lines, and to make noise in public places requiring quiet such as hospitals, libraries and museums.

In violation of the regulations, people shall be warned or fined.

It is reported that Jiaxing was appraised as the third national civilized city, and has actively explored, achieved remarkable results and accumulated some experience. Such regulations willenhance the social civilizationand will be valuable due to the leading significance.

Netizens have backed the regulations, saying that it should be implementednationwide.

Some say that the 50 yuandoesn’t mean a thingfor life and hope that the punishments go tougher.


In recent years there have been lots of disputes about the legislative punishment of the phubbers. phubbing has become a social phenomenon since mobile phones and the Internet have become part of our life.

We all know that it is dangerous and illegal to drive while looking at a cellphone and making a phone call. Crossing the road while phubbing hasnot yetbeen written into the law though it is also anextremely irresponsible and risky act.

Even so, there are several restrictions on such behavior in many cities.

Wenzhou has implemented similar promotion regulations since January 1, 2019, stipulating that it isuncivilizedto cross the road while looking at mobile phones or playing, which affects other vehicles or pedestrians and needs to be rectified.

Just a few days after the implementation, a woman was fined10 yuanfor the violation. Click the link and the pic to know more

In 2017, Honolulu, the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii issued a law that bans pedestrians from looking at their cellphones. It isthe first major U.S. city to banviewing electronic devices while crossing the street.

As Honolulu Mayor said, the “distracted pedestrian” law is needed because so many people in the city - especially seniors - are hit by vehicles in crosswalks.

“Sometimes I wish there were laws we did not have to pass, that perhaps common sense would prevail,” the mayor said. “But sometimes we lack common sense.”


More than 270,000pedestrians die on the world’s roads each year, according to “Mr pedestrian” posters released by the World Health Organization (WHO).

On May 27, 2017, a woman in Zhongshan of Guangdong province crossed the road when the light was red, and collided with a motorbike. Who drove the motor was hurt and laterdied.

Video from a security camera shows that the woman was looking at his phone when walking across so that shedidn’t noticethe light was red.

According to the court trial, what she did hasdirectly caused the accidentand he should be responsible for the death. As a result, the woman was sentenced to10 months in prisonand she has already paid the victim’s family200,000 yuan as compensation.

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SOURCE | 新京报\/Xinhuanet
